DNA and genetic science are now certain that the domestic cat is descended from the African Wildcat. This was determined by sampling the DNA from domestic and wildcats at different "marker" spots in the genomes.
They were believed to have been domesticated over 5000 years ago by the Egyptians to control the rats and mice raiding their granaries.
The African Wildcat is found across Africa with the exception of the Sahara
The African Wildcat is similar in appearance to the domestic tabby cat but slightly larger with a coat sandy brown to yellow grey in colour with black stripes on the tail. Its fur is shorter than that of the European wildcats . It is also considerably smaller.
The African Wildcat has a head to body length of 45 to 75cm with a tail of 20 to 38cm. The wildcat stands about 35cm at the shoulder. The wildcat ranges in weight from 3 to 6 kgey are found in most habitat types with the exception of true dessert. The African Wildcat is similar in appearance to the domestic tabby cat but slightly larger with a coat sandy brown to yellow grey in colour with black stripes on the tail. Its fur is shorter than that of the European wildcats . It is also considerably smaller.
The African Wildcat has a head to body length of 45 to 75cm with a tail of 20 to 38cm. The wildcat stands about 35cm at the shoulder. The wildcat ranges in weight from 3 to 6 kg.
African Wildcats prey on small mammals such as rats, mice, hyraxes, hares, the young of small antelopes, birds, invertebrates and reptiles. the cat uses stealth to approach its prey and then pounces once within range
Reproduction: Mating occurs between July and January and the young are born between September and March. The African Wildcat has a gestation period of around 60 days. The female gives birth to 2-4 kittens in a secluded den which is a burrow or hollow in the ground. Most kittens are born in the wet season when food is abundant.The kittens are born blind and helpless when born and their eyes open at 10-14 days old. After 4-5 weeks the kittens are mobile and begin to accompany their mother on hunting trips at about 3 months. By 5 months they are fully independent. The kittens are fully grown at one year and the females are sexually mature at this age. males are fully mature at age 2-3.
Vocalisation: They make similar sounds to the domestic cat - hissing, mewing, purring, spitting.
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